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Welcome to DayStar Childcare
A Level 4 Paths to Quality Provider 

DayStar Childcare and Infant Learning Center has been providing quality childcare since 1996

What Our Parents Say

"If it takes a village to raise kids, DayStar is our village. The teachers love our children deeply and know them well. Not only do they take excellent care of them all day, but they also are amazing resources for advice and encouragement that informs how we parent. We feel incredibly lucky to raise our kids as part of this community."​

"Our family loves all the activities and experiences for our kids. Trips to museums, walking to the library, 3 great outdoor spaces, a full size gym to run around in! All while being surrounded by teachers who love our kids like they're their own! There are other places to send your kid, but WHY would you when it's all in one great spot?"

"The teachers and staff are very dedicated to the kids and enrich them through creative activities and gentle guidance. We love the DayStar community and the variety of fun family activities they have throughout the year!"

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